Descendants of Joseph Cook


65. Charles S. Ladd

After the death of his wife, Anna Rosetta, Charles Ladd went to Texas.The story is that he went with others on a buffalo hunt during the winterof 1876-7 and caught cold.  He had been in frail health, and this coldhastened his death.  According to the papers in the Partition Proceedingsinvolving the farm in which he had part interest, his death date is March12, 1877. (Partition Proceedings, 2n day September 1994, Grant CountyCircuit Court, recorded in Order Book No. 3, pp 178, 179 and 180.)

Charles ladd was buried near Audubon, Wise County, Texas.  In January1968 the Chauncey Ladds tried to laocate this grave.  Audubon is nolonger in existence, and although there is a cemetery near its site,called "Bald Knob," it was impossible to locate any particular gravesince the earliest dated head stones were in the 1890's.  Other markerswere flat field stones set on end.  There are no records.

The Cook family booklet compiled by Nathan Cook in 1911 records the deathdates of the Ladds as follows:  Isabel on January 24, 1876; Cicero onMarch 22, 1873; Anna Rosetta Marshall Ladd as March 12, 1877 and Charleson February 4, 1878.  The Partition Proceeding papers list themotherwise, as recorded in the proper places. (See note in first paragraphabove.)

Anna Rosetta Marshall

Anna Rosetta Marshall died shortly after the birth of her only child, andis said to be buried in the IOOF Cemetery, Marion, Indiana.  There appearto be no records of the old Quaker section of this cemetery, and whatmarkers are there are too weather worn to be legible.

66. Ruth Caroline Ladd

Ruth Caroline Ladd Marshall is buried at IOOF Cemetery, Marion, Indiana.

William Riley Marshall

William Riley Marshall's first wife (Ruth Caroline Ladd) was a cousin ofRuth Ellen Cook.

In 1910 William Riley Marshall was nominated for representative ofArkansas.  William Riley and Ruth Ellen Cook  lived various places andlocated two miles north of Sedgewich, Lawrence County, Kansas.

In 1876, on account of Ruth Caroline Ladd Marshall's health, WilliamRiley and Ruth Caroline Marshall moved to Texas and settled on a 200 acretract of land near Audubon, Wise County, Texas.  In October 1879 theyreturned to Grant County, IN.

William Riley Marshall was born in Indiana to Quaker parents, as wereboth his wives.  He lived for a time in Cherokee Co. KS, MI, IN,  andthen AR.  When he moved to AR he was a Baptist Minister, and Justice ofthe Peace in Lawrence Co.  Many of his descendants married into theHelms, White, Davis and Brown families. I have recently learned about"Quaker Baptists" so his being a Baptist Minister in AR should come as nosurprize. (From Jeri Helm Fultz' webpage

After two years residence in IN, on account of Ruth Caroline's health andby the advice of his doctor, William and Ruth moved to Sherman, TX in theFall of 1876, going by railroad; thence overland with team, 70 miles westto Audubon, Wise County, TX where they settled on a 200 acre tract ofland. He was accompanied by Joshua and Tamer Marshall, father and motherof William R. Marshall; also Charity Ladd, Zimri Marshall and John W.Price. In the winter of 1876, William R. went in company with his father,his uncle John, brother Zimri and John W. Price, buffalo hunting, andbrought home two wagon loads of choice buffalo meat which was relished byall, In October, 1879 they decided to return to Grant county, IN, whereRuth Caroline died December 23, 1879. She is buried in the I.O.O.F.cemetery on the bank of the Mississinewa river at Marion, IN.  WilliamMarshall was a justice of the peach for 4 years. He was nominated fortreasurer of the county by the Republican Party and lost by 2 votes In1910 he was nominated for representative and ran without opposition.

He was a minister for Missionary Baptists. He organized 1 church,ordained several decons and 1 minister, married 100
couples, preached 50 funerals.
William Marshall was a justice of the peach for 4 years. He was nominatedfor treasurer of the county by the Republican Party
and lost by 2 votes In 1910 he was nominated for representative and ranwithout opposition.

He was a minister for Missionary Baptists. He organized 1 church,ordained several decons and 1 minister, married 100
couples, preached 50 funerals.

68. William P. Cook

William P. and Ellen cook lived on a farm of more than 100 acres inFranklin Township, Grant Co., IN.

69. Jason E. Cook

Jason E. and Lydia E. Cook lived on a farm, and were members of Maple RunFriends Church, Franklin Township, Grant County, Indiana.

165. Lurie J. Cook

Lurie J. Cook died of typhoid fever.  he is buried in IOOF Cemetery,Marion.

167. Lilly Cook

Lilly Cook had no children with any of her husbands.

168. George L. Cook

George Cook died of typhoid fever and is buried in the IOOF cemetery,Marion, IN.

Thomas Hutchinson

Thomas was a stock dealer and butcher.

Samuel L. Lloyd

Samuel was a farmer.

74. Rachel D. Cook

Descendants of this couple are also descendants of William and Ruth(Small) Cook.

Source:  One Ladd's Family compiled by Ruth Kline Ladd, 1974.

Moved to Cherokee county, KS in 1880 and lived there for one year andreturned to Grant County. Then in 1882 they moved to Michigan and livedthere 8 years, then returned to Grant County, IN and settled in Herbst,where Franklin owned and operated a sawmill until his death.

More About Rachel D. Cook:
Lived: 1880, Cherokee Co, KS
Lived: 1882, Michigan

Source:  Descendants of Peter Cook
             Family Tree Maker Users Pages

Rachel D. Cook Marshall Eakins is  buried in the MapleGrove/Overman/Raypholtz Cemetery in Sweetser, IN.

Franklin Marshall

More About Franklin Marshall:
Buried: 1896, Marion, IN
Occupation: Owned sawmill

180. Levi F. Marshall

Obituary of Levi Marshall
                     The hearts of many relatives and friends weresaddened on Thursday,
                     March 7, to learn that Levi Marshall of Herbst,after an illness of five
                     weeks and three days had died of that dreaddisease, typhoid fever.

                     He was second son and third child of Franklin andRachel D. (Cook)
                     Marshall, and was born October 26, 1877, and diedMarch 7, 1901, aged
                     23 years, 4 months and 11 days. His father, twosisters and one brother
                     have preceded him. His mother, four sisters andthree brothers survive him.

                     From the home once bright and cheerful, now sad andgloomy, a loved
                     one has gone. Not only will the family circle misshim, but the community
                     also. Ever ready to do a kindness for those indistress. He was of a kind
                     and cheerful disposition and liked by all who knewhim.

                     More About Levi F. Marshall:
                     Cause of Death: Typhoid Fever

Source:  Descendants of Peter Cook
             Family Tree Maker Users Pages

184. Ethel R. Marshall

More About Ethel R. Marshall:  Buried: 1898, Marion, IN

Source:  Descendants of Peter Cook
             Family Tree Maker Users Pages

77. Ruth Ellen Cook

In the spring of 1882 they moved to Wise county TX where William workedat the carpenter's trade and helped put up several buildings in Audubon,TX. That fall they moved by wagon through the Territory to Cherokeecounty KS and settled 4 miles southeast of Columbus. They were threeweeks on the road and met with some thrilling experiences while on theway.

In 1884 they moved to Lelanaw county, MI and settled near Maple City. In1888 they came back to Grant county, IN. In 1890 they moved to Lawrencecounty, AK and settled three miles east of Walnut Ridge. In 1901 theybought their present home two miles north of Sedgwick, Lawrence countyAK. He held the position of justice of peace four years then wasnominated for treasurer of the county by the Republican party and lostthe position by only 2 votes. In 1910 he was nominated for representativewithout opposition.

Ruth Ellen Cook was an Overseer of Church, Maple Run Friends Church

William Riley Marshall

William Riley Marshall's first wife (Ruth Caroline Ladd) was a cousin ofRuth Ellen Cook.

In 1910 William Riley Marshall was nominated for representative ofArkansas.  William Riley and Ruth Ellen Cook  lived various places andlocated two miles north of Sedgewich, Lawrence County, Kansas.

In 1876, on account of Ruth Caroline Ladd Marshall's health, WilliamRiley and Ruth Caroline Marshall moved to Texas and settled on a 200 acretract of land near Audubon, Wise County, Texas.  In October 1879 theyreturned to Grant County, IN.

William Riley Marshall was born in Indiana to Quaker parents, as wereboth his wives.  He lived for a time in Cherokee Co. KS, MI, IN,  andthen AR.  When he moved to AR he was a Baptist Minister, and Justice ofthe Peace in Lawrence Co.  Many of his descendants married into theHelms, White, Davis and Brown families. I have recently learned about"Quaker Baptists" so his being a Baptist Minister in AR should come as nosurprize. (From Jeri Helm Fultz' webpage

After two years residence in IN, on account of Ruth Caroline's health andby the advice of his doctor, William and Ruth moved to Sherman, TX in theFall of 1876, going by railroad; thence overland with team, 70 miles westto Audubon, Wise County, TX where they settled on a 200 acre tract ofland. He was accompanied by Joshua and Tamer Marshall, father and motherof William R. Marshall; also Charity Ladd, Zimri Marshall and John W.Price. In the winter of 1876, William R. went in company with his father,his uncle John, brother Zimri and John W. Price, buffalo hunting, andbrought home two wagon loads of choice buffalo meat which was relished byall, In October, 1879 they decided to return to Grant county, IN, whereRuth Caroline died December 23, 1879. She is buried in the I.O.O.F.cemetery on the bank of the Mississinewa river at Marion, IN.  WilliamMarshall was a justice of the peach for 4 years. He was nominated fortreasurer of the county by the Republican Party and lost by 2 votes In1910 he was nominated for representative and ran without opposition.

He was a minister for Missionary Baptists. He organized 1 church,ordained several decons and 1 minister, married 100
couples, preached 50 funerals.
William Marshall was a justice of the peach for 4 years. He was nominatedfor treasurer of the county by the Republican Party
and lost by 2 votes In 1910 he was nominated for representative and ranwithout opposition.

He was a minister for Missionary Baptists. He organized 1 church,ordained several decons and 1 minister, married 100
couples, preached 50 funerals.

79. Henry Charles Cook

Henry and Nellie lived in Joplin, Missouri.

Milton B. Hodson

Milton Hodson was a farmer, blacksmith and also operated a sawmill.  Maryand Milton Hodson lived near Fairmount, IN, until about 1900 when theymoved to Franklin Township, Grant County, IN.

218. Mahlon Anderson Hodson

There were no children of this marriage.

221. Ruby Virgil Cook

Nathan Cook's book of 1911 gives his name as Ruby Virgil Cook.
Ruth Kline Ladd's book, One Ladd's Family, gives his name as RobertVirgil Cook.

They lived in Weir, Kansas.